Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Megan and I made our way to the big MB this weekend to hang out with my family. Myrtle Beach is notorious for being a redneck travler's dream but after going hundreds of times, we were fortunate enough to see a beautiful side of it that we didn't know existsed. My family took our camper to the state park where there are the most beautiful oak trees and sand dunes. The quiet and cold air was needed a little more that I realized. It was rather low key and brief, but great: sat on the pier, pissed off a seagull or two...or three, family time, a "nice sea food dinner," listened to a lot of Ryan Adams and Eastmountainsouth, a few measly attempts at climbing trees, made friends with sweet old man named Bobby who worked at Krispy Kreame, and of course an open road and good conversation.

I woke up to a white yard this morning and although it was short lived I enjoyed the change in scenery. I laugh at the chaos that our area goes into as if we're preparing for a blizzard. However, that same chaos got me another 30min of sleep before going to class and I got to watch my excited 7 year old step brother almost burst at the fact of having a day off for a snow.

(Thanks camera phone.)

Chicago or Nashville.


House Church.


Color Pencils.



Medical Terminology.

Lemon Pound Cake.

Justice at itʼs best is love correcting everything
that stands against love.” -Martin Luther King Jr.


Megan said...

you are so beautiful! i like this blog the best and also I think that is a cute picture of me. is that too conceited to admit on the internet?

Allison Drew said...

Ryan Adams is one of my faves.

Dan said...

Dorothy Mantooth is a saint.